Notice of relocation

Notice of relocation

Thank you for your continued patronage of MOCa beauty salon. We are pleased to announce that MOCa beauty salon will be relocating as follows from early September. We are very excited for this new change, and look forward to seeing you there. Thank you!

New Address: 1062 Hornby Street
Tel: 604-688-1647 (*Same as before)
Scheduled move date: 2023 early September
          (We will update the details )

いつもMOCa beauty salonをご愛顧いただき誠にありがとうございます。
この度、MOCa beauty salonは9月上旬より以下の通り店舗を移転する運びとなりましたのでお知らせ申し上げます。

新住所 :1062 Hornby Street
電話番号: 604-688-1647 (※以前と変わりはございません)
移転予定日程: 2023 9月上旬